Acupuncture Side Effect #3: Enhanced Digestion for Better Health

We're back with another surprising 'side effect' of acupuncture - improved digestion. You might be curious how acupuncture, often associated with pain relief and relaxation, can enhance your gut health. Let's unpack this.

Acupuncture works by harmonizing the gut-brain axis and the nervous system. Reducing stress improves digestive function, leading to a more efficient and balanced gut. An overactive sympathetic nervous system can hamper digestion, but acupuncture rebalances this system, improving overall digestive health.

Moreover, acupuncture’s ability to reduce pain and inflammation is crucial in regulating stomach acid and promoting peristalsis – the wave-like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract.

The result? A stronger digestive system and improved gut function. A bonus to the many benefits of acupuncture! Stay with us as we uncover more 'side effects' of this ancient healing practice.


Acupuncture Side Effect #4: Achieving Emotional Equilibrium


Acupuncture Side Effect #2: Alleviating Pain and Inflammation